


You already have an excellent software,while what you need is the professional services to ensure the efficiency and accuracy.

That’s what we good at.Our profession includes professional consultant,professional PQIS execution and continuous technical support to ensure your long-term success.

Risk from software updating and the policy variation will be lowered to the minimum by using SEAM.We guarantee the rapid returns of investment and minimize the cost.And your goal will be achieved right now or in the future

Procedures:The promotion and application of Signature is for optimizing and promoting the clients’ investment to the SEAM taxation 
The original fast implement of Signature could be helpful for the managing efficiency

It includes ten steps,and every one step defines related mission or activity,provides lots of module and software that contains every practice related.All of above guarantee the efficiency and the accuracy of the implement in the enterprise


 Copyright? 2005-2013 Shanghai SEAM Information & Technology Co.,Ltd – SEAM. All rights reserved.